Centres & Services
The Training and Consultancy Center of Distance Learning performs training of determinants and aspirants who expressed their willingness to obtain a complete higher education in the specialties licensed for the University.
In the DL education emphasis is upon the self-study and in connection with this the Training and Consultancy Center introduced a wide spectrum of distance learning programmes that can provide the students with quite flexible possibilities and is suitable for the individuals with any kind of activity schedule.
The advantage of the distance learning, introduced at the University consists in its adaptability to a wide variety of organizational forms, probably being even more numerous than the ones in the traditional, on- campus, setting. It is due to this variety of structures for the courses, the technologies deployed and the ways of active engagement of students into the educational process that the particular needs and limitations of the entities or individual students could be more precisely discerned and taken account of in making a choice of the forms for the distance learning provided.to ensure an optimum match.
Every year sees an increase in the number of foreign students who take a course of study at Odessa State Environmental University under the extramural form or by the instrumentality of distance learning thus making the geographical coverage of countries, the representatives of which have chosen OSENU to obtain a higher education, more spacious.
Phone: + 38 0482 326 755
E-mail: dean-zao@odeku.edu.ua
Constant increase in the information flow requires of a specialist of today to update and improve his own special knowledge, to study new technologies, required for a successful professional activity.
Since 1995, on the basis of the Center Continuing Studies has been provided (Specialist and Master degrees of higher education), professional development courses have been conducted for the specialists of the structural subdivisions of hydrometeorological and hydrographic services of Ukraine, state inspectors of environmental control, specialists in development of schemes for multipurpose management of water resources and control of the pollution of air, rivers, lakes, water reservoirs and seas, specialists in the field of economics, environmental and computer science.
Teaching for the trainees at the Centre of Continuing Studies is carried out under the programmes developed at the University in collaboration with the responsible departments, institutions and ministries of Ukraine. Courses of professional development carried out on the basis of the Centre of Continuing Studies at OSENU are primarily focused on bringing improvement to the professional activities of specialists, who will work as managers and leading officers in the field of: hydrometeorology; management; environmental control and natural resource use; protection and reproduction of hydrobiological resources; modern information and Internet-technologies; and public administration.
Phone: + 38 0482 425 716
E-mail: fpk@odeku.edu.ua
Presently there offered three programmes of pre-university training at the Preparatory Department of the University:
the basis programme of secondary school, prior to the external independent testing.
Pre-University Training for the Citizens of Ukraine
for those having the background of basic secondary education, a 9-year education programme of secondary school. The mentioned education programme is provided for training of prospective students for the matriculation examinations at the particular subsidiary subdivisions of OSENU, namely,
Kharkiv and Kherson Technical Collegesof Hydrometeorology and Odessa College of Computer Technologies.
Pre-University Training for Foreign Citizens
is carried out under the programme of complete course of education in the following fields of study:
Engineering and Technology; Engineering and Economics;
Health Care and Biology;
as well as language training cycle to master Ukrainian (Russian) language at the required level.
The main purpose of training foreign citizens is to study language as a means of communication, a tool of becoming a specialist and bring unification of knowledge of the trainees in the comprehensive disciplines in accordance with the level of training of pupils at comprehensive schools in Ukraine.
Foreign citizens, who successfully completed the curriculum of the full training course, will obtain a Standard Certificate approved by the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine, enabling the holder to be enrolled at higher education establishments in Ukraine.
Phone: + 38 0482 427 764
E-mail: foreign@odeku.edu.ua
Principle directions of research at the University are as follows:
development of: methods and techniques of hydrometeorological support for various sectors of Ukraine; the system of environmental monitoring;
investigation into applied problems associated with environmental protection, sustainability and conservation of natural resources;
elaboration of measures on adaptation of branches of the economy at the national, regional and local levels prior to the negative impact of the climate change;
multipurpose utilization of land water resources and the sea, development of recommendations with regard to the management of their hydroecological state under the conditions of anthropogenic impact and the climate change;
development of guidelines for integrated environmental management in the seashore areas and estuaries on the basis of mathematical modelling;
diagnostics and forecast of plant productivity, assessment of the impact of hydrometeorological regime on formation of productivity, quality and environmental purity of crop with the use of mathematical modelling;
assessment of the results of pollution of agricultural crops with radionuclides, anthropogenic pollution of unwatered and irrigated crops on the basis of mathematical modelling;
environmental management; economic and legal grounds of environment-related activity;
development of modelling technologies and forecasting environmental conditions;
development of sustainable use technologies, preservation and enrichment of biological resources and improvement of their quality and safety, conservation of biodiversity;
development of environmental and safety management systems and handling household and industrial waste at the regional level;
pursuance of fundamental research in formation of hydrological state of rivers and development of new calculation systems and models for diagnostics and forecasting their maximum flow;
assessment and forecasting water resources of the rivers in Ukraine under the conditions of the climate change and anthropogenic impact;
mathematical modelling of the structure of geophysical boundary layer with the application of the results to the issues of hydrometeorology and environmental
As of today OSENU is licensed to provide training at the postgraduate Philosophy Doctor course for those who major in:
051 ‘Economics’;
101 ‘Environmental Science’;
103 ‘Earth Sciences’;
104’Physics and Astronomy’;
113’Applied Mathematics’;
122 ‘Computer Sciences and Information Technology’;
183 ‘Environmental Protection Technologies’.
Phone: + 38 0482 357 371, + 38 0482 357 372
E-mail: magistr@odeku.edu.ua, science@odeku.edu.ua
Current development of international links of the University in the sphere of seience and technology is characterized by an increase of its integration into cooperation, both at the level of scicnce-and-production organizations and by means of establishment and strengthening contacts with the leading foreign educational institutions.
International recognition of OSENU as one of the leaders of the national educational network is confirmed by the fact, that almost 90 renowned higher educational establishments and world’s scientific institutions cooperate with the University under the terms of the long-dated educational and research agreements, including the ones under such projects as TEMPUS- TASIS, EEC-INTAS, FASTEX etc. The University has established long-term cooperation liaisons with universities and institutions in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa.
OSENU is a member and a partner of the following international organizations: Alliance of Universities for Democracy (AUDEM), European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), Eurasian Association of Universities (EAU) and the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN).
Among the most important international research and development projects, which were implemented by OSENU as a partner in the European research consortia, the following projects deserve special mentioning: the project of the 7th Framework Program of the European Community ‘Integrated water resources and coastal zone management in European lagoons in the context of climate change’ (LAGOONS), FP7-ENV-2011
№283157 (2011-2014); the project of’Integrated hotspots management and saving the living Black Sea ecosystem – HOT BLACK SEA’ within the scope of the Joint Operational Program ‘Black Sea Basin – 2007-2013’ initiated by the EC (2013-2015) ; the project under the Program of Transnational Cooperation of the Countries of South Eastern Europe ‘OrientGate – A network for the integration of climate knowledge into policy and planning’ (2012- 2014); the Project of ‘Network for environmental assessment and remediation in aquatic systems: towards excellence in teaching and research’ (NEAR-3, 4)’ under the SCOPES programme administered by the Swiss National Science Foundation(2007-2012). In 2016 implementation of a project of HORIZON 2020 Programme ‘Preparatory Phase for the Pan-European Research Infrastructure
DANUBIUS-RI “The International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems” – DANUBIUS PP\ INFRADEV-02-2016, CSA (2016-2019) was started.
The University staff took part in implementation of the international projects aimed at structured cooperation between higher education institutions in the EU member states and partner countries: ‘Development of Qualification Framework in Meteorology’ 159352-TEMPUS-FI-TEMPUS-JPHES (2010-2013), ‘EU Based Course in Foodstuff Expertise & Quality Control’ 159173-TEMPUS-1-2009- 1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR (2010-2013), ‘Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula’ 511390-TEMPUS-1 -2010-1 -SK- TEMPUS-JPCR (2010-2014), ‘Enhanced three-level competency- based curricula in Applied Marine Science’
517271-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR (2011- 2014) and ‘Qualifications Framework in Environmental Science at Ukrainian Universities’ 544524- TEMPUS-1-2013-1-PL-TEMPUS-SMFIES (2013-2017), under the TEMPUS IV Programme; the project ‘Adaptive learning environment for competence in economic and societal impacts of local weather, air quality and climate’, 561975-EPP-1-2015-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2015- 2018) under Erasmus+ Programme.
Phone: +38 048 785 2720
E-mail: foreign-relation@odeku.edu.ua