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Fukushima University was established in 1949 by integrating three national colleges in Fukushima City: Fukushima College of Economics (福島経済専門学校 Fukushima keizai semmon gakkō, founded in 1921), Fukushima Normal School (福島師範学校 Fukushima shihan gakkō, founded in 1874) and Fukushima Youth Normal School (福島青年師範学校 Fukushima seinen shihan gakkō, founded in 1920).

The university at first consisted of two faculties: the Faculty of Liberal Arts (in Hamada-cho Campus) and the Faculty of Economics (in Moriai Campus). In 1966 the Faculty of Liberal Arts was renamed Faculty of Education. In 1979 the former two campuses were integrated into newborn Kanayagawa Campus. In 1987 a new faculty was added: the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences. In 2004 the faculties were reorganized into two clusters (学群 gakugun) consisting of four faculties (学類 gakurui).



